Thoughts from the Homer: Prepare Now for Future Opportunities

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As we all know, different people have different personalities and personality traits. One trait that has always bothered me (in other people) is being late. When I tell someone that I will meet them at a particular place at a specific time – well, I’m there.

Then there are people like my best friend from high school Mike. Mike is a smart guy and a good friend. He has a Master’s degree in business and is the vice president of a company whose products you probably see and use on a daily basis. Mike will not be on time for his own funeral. Drove me crazy.

Then there are procrastinators. They will put off things that need to be done until the last minute and many times, because of that personality trait, will miss opportunities that can very well change their lives.

Paradoxically, procrastinators are some of the busiest people I know. They float from one emergency to another – always “just” making it. These are the people who constantly complain that they “just don’t have enough time,” and that “there are not enough hours in the day.”

My theme saying about work seems to offend procrastinators. In describing myself and my work ethic to people throughout my life, I have often described it this way – “I work really hard to be lazy.”

Now to be sure, there are some people who just have way too much on their plate. I’m not writing this column to those who are in circumstances that are beyond their control. I’m talking to the people and the coming seniors of the class of 2023, who either choose to load their own plate beyond what they can eat or are thinking that things are just going to work themselves out.

In doing the senior spotlights for the past two years, I have been constantly amazed by students and athletes who find themselves scrambling come May to accomplish things that are so important, their future literally depends on it.

“Are you planning on going to college,” is a standard question I ask. “Oh yeah, they would say.” “Good for you!” I would continue. “Do you know where you are going?”

Now this is where it can get strange and really will tell you what kind of personality a person has.

This past year I had not just one but two seniors tell me, “I’ve been offered a scholarship to play/ perform my chosen sport/ activity but I’ve still got to take the SAT/ACT test – I’ve really got to get that scheduled.”

Hello? Is anyone in there McFly?

Now those offers came late in the spring. Some of my athletes signed and were ready to go last fall. They had gotten what real estate agents call “prequalified.” When the opportunity came knocking, they were ready to say yes. In fact, the colleges that offered to them wouldn’t have done so if they had not been fully prepared. In the case of two of them (Xoe Rosalez and Xyla Madry), they signed before their last season in high school had really began – they didn’t want that hanging over their heads. Now thankfully, at least one of the procrastinating individuals mentioned above got her act together but it really did add stress. Don’t believe me about procrastinators? I parked next to her one time at a sporting event and her tags were two months expired – she knew about it. “Oh yea, got to get that taken care of.”

Seniors, listen to grandpa Matt. Especially those that play sports or are involved in extra-curricular activities. A slow July 2022 is going to morph into May 2023 in the blink of an eye. The last few days of school can either be hectic or they can be enjoyable – it’s up to you-it really is.

Set yourself up for success and work hard now to coast later. Its only possible Dreams can come true if you are awake and alert to seize the opportunity. Dreams will be just dreams if you never wake up!

Spend the time now, even when you are trying to enjoy your summer. Take the college entrance tests if you even have a dream of going to college. Start the processes of applying for college and if you really want to play at the next level as an athlete, now is the time to start reaching out and making contacts.

I know this for a fact. Coaches are more likely to recruit athletes that they have met in person or at the least, spoken to on the phone than they are to just “send out” a scholarship offer or make the time to travel to one of your games. They really want to know, “how bad do you want it.” What they really don’t want is a kid who is a legend in their own mind and thinks that everyone needs to respond to them on their time-table.

August is coming and the time-warp will be turned on. If you can get a task done that will need to be done before you graduate or make a decision for college – get it done now. Use slow July – you’ll thank me in May. Don’t be that student who can’t have a scholarship signing because they only have a verbal offer that is waiting on a test result.