Moore, Guffey Installed on SMHD Administrative Team

  • Staff at the Gaines County Library got to tell Mr. Claus what they wanted for Christmas this year during a recent visit. Pictured left to right are, Rebecca Saavedra, Bobbie Hernandez, Jamie Gonzales and Sabra Hall. (Contributed photo).
    Staff at the Gaines County Library got to tell Mr. Claus what they wanted for Christmas this year during a recent visit. Pictured left to right are, Rebecca Saavedra, Bobbie Hernandez, Jamie Gonzales and Sabra Hall. (Contributed photo).
With the unexpected departure of hospital CEO Larry Gray earlier ths year to attend to health concerns, it spawned a series of temporary personnel changes at the toper ranks of the Seminole Hospital District Administration to help smooth the rough spots that such transitions can bring. It perhaps speaks the skills of all of these professionals among both permanent and interim hires that this…

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