Seminole City Council to meet on July 25


Plans for the Monday, July 25 meeting of the Seminole City Council include discussing a COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Recovery Plan Resolution and CTSI Cyber Security Services. The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the Council Chambers at Seminole City Hall, 302 South Main.

Before entering into the business portion of the meeting, council members will engage in the call to order, administrative report, minutes, and financial reports. The administrative report by City Manager Adam Niolet will include a sales tax update and information on the EOC (Emergency Operation Center.) Financials will feature the payment of bills and reports from department heads. Citizens will then be allowed to voice comments and concerns.

Business for the evening will include a COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Recovery Plan Resolution, a Memorial Golf Tournament HOT Fund Request, and an update on CTSI Cyber Security Services.

  • City of Seminole
    City of Seminole