
How to Safely and Quickly Get Tan

Many people like the way their skin looks with a tan, but prolonged exposure to the sun has a variety of risks, including skin cancer. Even when wearing sunscreen, outdoor sunbathing is not riskfree. Here are some tips for getting tan quickly and safely..

One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle

One Italian Summer by Rebecca Serle When Katy’s mother dies, she is left reeling. Carol wasn’t just Katy’s mom, but her best friend and first phone call. She had all the answers and now, when Katy needs her the most, she is gone. To make matters worse, their planned mother-daughter trip of a lifetime looms: two weeks in Positano, the magical town Carol spent the summer right before she met Katy’s father. Katy has been waiting years for Carol to take her, and now she is faced with embarking on the adventure alone.

Play Day

The Seminole Elementary Campus held its first annual career day to showcase various career options and help students envision their future. Elementary Principal Aine Lopez remarked that this event exemplifies the profile of a graduate’s characteristics and ideals.

Seminole ISD Five Year Awards

Jill Hughes, Professional Support Educator of the Year Five Year Awards: Angelica Aguilar, Maria Arredondo, Cara Jo Barnard, Pamela Bednarz, Belen Caballero, Rosabel Castillo, Allyson Contreras, Ashley Danley, CJ Danley III, Sarah Dyck, Conception Echeverria, Addie Elder, Darrell Ericson, Jacalyn Felix, Cory D. Furlow, Martha Garcia, Jessica Gonzales, Miranda Guerrero, Arin Hindman, Carol Hise, Paul G.

Feeding the Mind and Body

When discussing education and school, foundational pillars of our society, what might come to mind are teacher salaries, school board elections, curriculums, and summer break. However, a subject often forgotten is something that has far more of an effect on the day-to-day lives of students: their lunch. The seemingly simple service of a free school lunch can have a tremendous impact on a student’s academic performance, focus during class, and level of poverty.

Paleontology at the Museum

The Gaines County Museum will be hosting their annual dinosaur excavation. Learn how paleontologist dig in the dirt to discover the mysteries of the past. The paleontology program is sponsored by the Friends of the Gaines County Museum to eiligible students at no charge. Enrollees are allowed to register for one class featuring their preferred dinosaur but please register early as classes fill quickly.


Amazingly fudgy brownies with a delicate white chocolate flavor and bits of fresh raspberries. Another recipe that would be perfect for Mother’s Day if your mom is like mine and loves raspberries.

Tips for Hosting a Summer BBQ

Summer break is quickly approaching, and with that, barbecues. My parents often hosted Barbeques growing up and now that I’ve moved out, I’m so excited to host my own. Here’s some helpful tips that I found if you’re like me and are new to hosting.